NOTE: This is not a regular Enneagram Las Vegas Event

but, we support Unity Church in their efforts to use and teach the enneagram for personal transformation and growth

Barry Vennard, Minister at Unity Of Las Vegas, has announced that his “Transformation Of Life” classes based on his book Stepping Through the Narrow Gate will be held at Unity on Tuesdays beginning February 5th. The 1 1⁄2 hour class will be offered both at 12 noon and 6:30pm.

The 12 noon class will be a support group for those who have already read the book, Stepping Through the Narrow Gate, have taken the class and/or are familiar with the Enneagram. The 6:30 to 8:00pm class will focus on the steps as outlined in the book and on the teachings of the Enneagram.

Graduates have found that studying The Enneagram;- learning about what motivates both OUR behavior and that of other people is one of the best growth tools available in this day and age. And most former students will also tell you that the 12-Step-Based Life Transformation process is an unfailing formula for uncovering the Innate Spiritual Potential that exists in each and every one of us. Both the book and class offer a release from the denial which often feeds a sense of unworthiness and un-belonging. This natural release process frees us to live lives with less struggle and stress, and blessed with an ever-increasing peace-of-mind.

In addition to welcoming Unity members to the class and support group, the class is also open to all 12 Step Recovery participants from any of the 12 step programs. The class is presented on a free will offering basis. The book, Stepping Through the Narrow Gate, by Barry Vennard can be purchased through or at:

Unity of Las Vegas, 222 N Rainbow Blvd # 215, Las Vegas 89145

Left (Southwest) Corner Of The Shopping Plaza
Two-Story Building Large “222” on building

Phone (702) 382.8688

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Join us in building a community of conscious individuals who are improving their lives through the study and application of the teachings of the enneagram.

RVSP for free Series— Begins Tuesday, February 5, 2019